Gaon has a new set of charts out and from the album chart we can find that Busker Busker‘s first album has moved one slot down to position eight. The slight change on the album chart is also reflected on the total Korean digital chart, where much like on Billboard’s K-Pop chart for this week they had to leave the top position for Sistar‘s “Alone”.
Although Nell started out well on the chart with songs from their new album the previous week, they’ve had to see most tracks take quite a fall since. On the album chart on the other hand, we find Slip Away debuting on the chart, making it all the way up at no. 1.
Whereas Busker Busker’s Kim Kwang Jin cover “동경소녀” climbs a few positions on the chart, Yozoh had to see her version of the same song leave the top 200. However as Yozoh’s song from Love Rain entered the chart she maintains a presence. The only other new song from the indie realm entering the chart is the lead track off Daybreak‘s third full-length album.
2. Busker Busker – “벚꽃 엔딩” (-1)
4. Busker Busker – “첫사랑” (+1)
5. Busker Busker – “여수 밤바다” (+1)
7. Nell – “그리고, 남겨진 것들” (-4)
8. Busker Busker – “꽃송이가” (+2)
15. Busker Busker – “외로움 증폭장치 (브래드 드럼 한판 쉬기)” (-4)
18. Busker Busker – “이상형” (-4)
23. Busker Busker – “전활 거네” (-7)
27. Busker Busker – “골목길 어귀에서” (-9)
29. Busker Busker – “향수” (-12)
37. Busker Busker – “봄바람” (-9)
44. Busker Busker – “골목길” (-9)
75. Nell – “Go” (-42)
76. 10cm – “애상” (-)
83. Nell – “Standing In The Rain” (-46)
84. Nell – “The Ending” (-50)
87. Nell – “Cliff Parade” (-51)
94. Nell – “In Days Gone By” (-54)
107. Daybreak – “Silly” (new)
108. Standing Egg – “햇살이 아파” (with SoFly of 3rd Coast) (-36)
113. Nell – “Slip Away” (-68)
118. Nell – “Loosing Control” (-71)
123. Nell – “Beautiful Stranger” (-72)
124. Yozoh – “자꾸자꾸” (new)
126. Nell – “Hopeless Valentine” (-74)
160. Busker Busker – “동경소녀” (+7)
172. Busker Busker – “서울사람들” (+8)
173. Busker Busker – “정류장” (+12)
193. Busker Busker – “막걸리나” (+11)
Source: Gaon