In March I went on a business trip. While I remembered well from previous occasions how little free time that means–and so prepared blog posts in advance–I had forgotten all… Continue reading
Post Category → Editorials
Randomness #34
The last few months have been rather busy. So much in fact that it’s almost been 3 months since the last randomness post. Although what’s great about that is that… Continue reading
Randomness #33 – Christmas Edition
This year it seems my autumn disappeared before it even begun. And now Christmas is here and as good as over, too. Being a Swede, celebrations in my family took… Continue reading
Randomness #32
Lots of things going on everywhere right now. Modern Sky Helsinki is coming up this weekend and with the time table out I*m getting all the more excited about it…. Continue reading
Randomness #31
Suddenly the kind of summer most people appreciate has returned to Sweden. I’m more into rain and cool weather myself as I get rendered fairly useless even at temperatures in… Continue reading
Randomness #30
Time goes by so quickly. This is nothing new, of course, but I think it holds more true during summer. And I thought having a family with a young kid… Continue reading
Randomness #29
So, it was only a couple of weeks ago that I wrote that I was gonna take more control over my free-time. Little did I know that already the next… Continue reading
Randomness #28
It’s been a while. This unplanned hiatus started with me enjoying a good few weeks in Korea, then continued with a few months back in Sweden with a focus on… Continue reading
Randomness #27
It’s been much longer than I planned since I got to writing one of these randomness posts, even though I really enjoy doing them. It started with a week-long vacation… Continue reading
Randomness #26
February has been passing by fast. Really fast. It’s already been a month since the previous Randomness post, but as I hope you’ve noticed I’ve anyway kept plenty busy with… Continue reading