Here are some links I’ve come across recently:
If you’ve been looking for an alternative to Soompi’s k-underground subforum, then perhaps KUMM: Korean Underground Music Movement is a place for you.
Hoover of music industry blog New Rockstar Philosophy has been spending some time in Seoul and among other things met up with indie rock band Phonebooth: A Glimpse Into The South Korean Indie Music Scene
Chris Park has reviewed a couple of recent releases:
– 한희정 (Han Heejeong) – 잔혹한 여행 Review
– Super Kidd – 멋지다 슈퍼키드 Review
refresh_daemon has had a listen to the first full length albums from Cocoon Bells, Sogyumo Acacia Band, and Taru:
– Inbox: Cocoon Bells – Cocoon Bells
– Replay: 소규모 아카시아 밴드 – 소규모 아카시아 밴드
– Inbox: Taru – Taru