Indieful ROK Music Chart week 25

After an all too long hiatus, it’s time to regain some continuity in the updates around here!

Since May, Indieful ROK’s listener group has grown to include 115 members that through their listening habits contribute to the Indieful ROK TOP10 artist chart. You’ll find the most recent one below. Songs linked correspond to the most listened to song from each artists among all users.

Indieful ROK TOP10 – week 25, 2010
1. Nell (+2) [기억을 걷는 시간 MV]]
2. Casker (-1) [Cross The Roads (no link)]
3. Jaurim (+3) [Carnival Amour MV]
4. Peppertones (re) [Superfantastic YT audio + English subtitles]
5. Loveholic (+3) [Loveholic MV]
6. Han Hee Jung (+1) [끈 YT audio]
7. Guckkasten (new) [거울 MV]
8. Clazziquai (re) [Tell Yourself MV]
9. Galaxy Express (re) [Midnight Cremator live]
10. Fanny Fink (re) [좋은 사람 live]

Don’t feel like the chart reflects your taste in music well enough? Join Indieful ROK’s group and maybe next week it’ll look a little better!

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