With Romeo out of the picture, Juliette can come out and have a party again! No, that was too lame… But I intended to do a brief introductory piece on Lemonty Child when the SHINee/Romeo promotion begun a few months ago after I got tired of seeing several new posts a day on the theme. Never got around to do more than collecting a bunch of links and bugging mrkwang about it though, but I would hate to see those links go to waste without having been put in context, or something. Since I wasn’t able to find out much about the band (mrkwang suspected they could’ve disbanded as their naver café is abandoned and their daum café hasn’t been updated for a year) I’ll just skip right to the music:
Late September last year, catchy emo/pop punk act Lemonty Child released a digital single by the name of Juliet’s party – that didn’t receive even close to the amount of attention it deserved. The single was the band’s first and it contained two songs with instrumental versions for both. The first song, 그녀의 파티 [MV], dealt with the party whereas the other, 장난감 로미오와 못된 줄리엣 (litteral translation: Toy Romeo & Bad Juliet), took care of the Romeo/Juliet relationship issue (sorta like SHINee’s Romeo+Juliette, I imagine – just a lot more fun to listen to). Sample the entire single at soribada, but beware that “장난감 로미오와 못된 줄리엣 (Instrumental)” is actually the one with vocals.
The single was released through WeChal, where there is also a Lemonty Child community page. Clicking the “내 콘텐츠” tab, a bunch of earlier songs become available for sampling: Today (which is really just another title for 그녀의 파티), 바보같은 아이, and Romantic Girlfriend that seems to have been the band’s main song in the past. From the Romantic Girlfriend MV (if it doesn’t load on WeChal you can try it on Cyworld) we learn that at this point the band consisted of four members: monkey on guitar; tard on drums; harang on bass; van on vocals. And for even more Lemonty Child, check out this performance of Summer x-mas.
Not sure how helpful that really was, but maybe someone will give them a listen in spite of my messy presentation. Giving Lemonty Child a chance is especially recommended if you like Rocket Diary and the like!