koreanpop.org posted a short piece concerning Nell‘s position in between indie and mainstream today, prompted by the band’s recently released album Separation Anxiety: Boys embrace: Nell, Separation anxiety
Post Category → Reviews
Mark Russell Reviews Yozoh’s First
Mark Russell has posted a review of the sweet sounding Yozoh‘s first album over at Korea Gig Guide: Her Name Is Yozoh…
Broccoli, you too? debut EP review
There’s a review on the debut EP, 앵콜요청금지, of lo-fi band Broccoli, you too? over at koreanpop.org.
History of Bbang reviewed
Always interesting koreanpop.org has a post on the most recent Bbang compilation, released last year: History of Bbang: Between recording and a record
ROKON covers The Rocktigers, Dr.Core 911 and Shorty Cat
The February issue of ROKON Indie Source Music Magazine features pieces in English on The Rocktigers (pg.18) and Dr.Core 911 (pg.32) as well as an interview with girl punkers Shorty… Continue reading
Broke In Korea #5
The fifth issue of ‘Broke In Korea’ came out a couple of weeks ago. If you’re not familiar with Broke, it’s a Korean punk ‘zine (written in English). The contributors… Continue reading