On October 5th, boonga Boonga Record launched the 블루스 더. Blues tour. It started with the release of a compilation album with the same name to be followed by the first show of the tour at Ruloorala Stage the same evening, with performances from Kang San-eh and blues men Kim Dae Joong, CR Taegyu and Kim Tae Chun. Three shows more with other artists such as Lowdown 30, Lim Ji Hoon, Ha Heon Jin and Gate Flowers guitarist Joyumn are set to follow in various venues around Hongdae before the blues tour comes to a halt on November 3rd.
dingson.net was in place to record the first event and has shared a number of videos on YouTube. Here’s Kang San-eh performing his compilation song, “트위터 블루스”:
Here’s Kim Tae Chun’s “개” from the same event:
Continuing with more songs from the compilation performed last Friday, here’s CR Taegyu with “그야말로 블루스”:
And here is the compilation opening track “300/30” from Kim Dae Joong performed at Ruloorala together with Park Hyung Gon on harmonica:
Joyumn has recorded an electric version of his first album track “그림자” for the compilation. He’ll be performing as part of the tour on November 3rd, but here’s a performance of the song from last year:
Check out the official site if you’re in Seoul and curious to attend one of the remaining events.
Via: Hyang Music; 블루스 더. Blues