Going through Indieful ROK’s last.fm group artist chart the 10th indie entry could be found on spot 39. Not as good as the first week of the year, but much better than last! This is a day late, but only because my ISP had some issues yesterday forcing all of their customers in my area to find other entertinament offline half the afternoon and all evening (I finally arranged all the recipes I’d written down/cut out of papers during the past seven years, or so so in the end I didn’t mind as much as I did initially).
Indieful ROK TOP10 – week 3, 2012
1. Clazziquai Project (-) [Tell Yourself MV]
2. Nell (-) [Comeback Trailer]
3. Clazzi (new) [Love&Hate MV]
4. 10cm (+1) [오늘밤은 어둠이 무서워요 MV]
5. The Black Skirts (+5) [International Love Song MV]
6. Loveholic (new) [Loveholic MV]
7. W&Whale (+1) [C’mon Yo TV live]
8. Taru (new) [Night Flying TV live]
9. Humming Urban Stereo (new) [Rainbow YT audio]
10. Han Hee Jung (re) [Acoustic Breath live]
Don’t feel like the chart reflects your taste in music well enough? Join Indieful ROK’s last.fm group and maybe next week it’ll look a little better!