Right about now, I’m on my way to Korea. I had such an amazing time when I first went there last October and have been longing to get back since. Fueled by my obsession with Apollo 18 I decided to come over for the Violet release show and stick around to experience club day. A shorter visit than I would’ve wanted, of course, but it leaves me enough vacation days to maybe get back another couple of times before this year is over…
Unlike last time, now I’m coming alone so this not only means more time for concerts and other fun stuff. Hopefully I’ll be able to keep up the blogging a bit, and this time I’ve bought a camera so you can expect some pictures. Likely all pictures can not go on the blog, however, which brings me to the real purpose of this post:
The extremely observant might have already noticed the little facebook image now making the rss feed, last.fm, twitter, and MySpace images company already. It’s there because little over a year ago, Mi suggested that an Indieful ROK facebook page would be nice. Not being much of an active facebook user myself, I found the idea interesting but never really got around to it – until this weekend! So if you’d like to check it out, go here! That’s where I’ll be posting most of the pictures and share more on what I’m up to than I can manage via the 140 characters on twitter. At least that’s the current plan.
whoo! looking forward to the pics!!
have an amazing time and a safe trip!
I’d introduce you CEO of Live Nana, which is startup blog about Korean Indie music, more in the future.
Have fun! Come back with stories!
Looking forward to seeing you at the Apollo 18 release party!