Things seem to have been quite busy recently for Korea’s foremost indie darling Yozoh. Yesterday, October 6, My-Q released a digital single called Replay upon which Yozoh was featured on the “accoustic version” of a song called 일년 후. Come today, Yozoh herself released a one track digital single called 모닝 스타. This song will also be featured on Yozoh’s first real solo album, Traveler – to be released on October 21. The album will contain 11 tracks, including a Belle Epoque version of the sugary sweet 하모니카 소리.
Did anyone catch Yozoh as part of the Pastel/indie super troika on Yoon Do-hyun’s show, singing with Taru and Han Hee-jeong? Awesome to see them all together!
That does sound very awesome! I missed it though…
I’ve got it downloaded, I’ll try to YouTube it soon and post back.
Uploaded 3 clips from this show to YouTube… check ’em out! Pastel supergroup!
Yay! That was great! Thank you so much ^-^ (will give this a post of its own if I can find some time tomorrow)