Mini-Interview with Earip

One of the early bands I came across when I first started listening to Korean indie music was that of modern rock/indie pop band Sweater. Besides the nice melodies, the biggest allure to Sweater was the vocals provided by Earip. She put out her first solo release in 2005 and with her songwriting skills and characteristic voice has remained one of Korea’s finest singer-songwriters since. Yesterday, February 3rd, she released her fifth album 망명 (Exile)–something I took as an excuse to ask a few questions.


How would you introduce yourself to somebody that has never heard your music?

안녕하세요, 저는 한국의 싱어송라이터 이아립입니다. 모던록 밴드 스웨터의 프론트로 음악활동을시작했고, 2005년 열두폭병풍이라는 레이블을 만들어 4장의 음반을 발표했습니다. 2016년 2월 일렉트릭 뮤즈와 함께 새 앨범 ‘망명 亡明’을 발표했습니다.

Hello, I’m Earip, singer-songwriter of Korea. I started music from the front of modern rock band Sweater, launched my own label 열두폭병풍 in 2005 and released 4 solo albums. In February 2016, I released my new album 망명 (Exile) with label Electric Muse.

It’s been more than a decade since your first solo release and almost as long since the last Sweater album. What are some of the best things about being a solo singer, and what are the aspects of being in a band that you have missed the most?

솔로 활동에서 가장 좋았던 것은 소통의 미숙함이 만들어 주는 외로움이 없었다는 점과 나빴던 점은 스스로 만들어낸 외로움이었습니다. 솔로 활동 중에는 편곡, 보컬 디렉션, 녹음/연주 디렉션 등을 모두 스스로 해내야 하는 상황이었습니다. 좀 더 객관적으로 음악적인 조언을 해줄 사람이 필요했습니다.

The best thing in solo is there’s no loneliness from lack of communication and also the bad thing is the loneliness from myself. I had been doing arrangement, vocal direction and recording/play direction on my own, so I want to need someone who can advise musical things more objectively.

Throughout the years you’ve collaborated with many other artists for various projects. If you could pick freely, what would your next collaborative work be like?

시 같은 짧은 노랫말에 강아솔씨의 기타 편곡으로만 만들어진 ‘기타 소곡집’. 데이빗 보위와 함께 댄스 교본집 ‘dance on mars’

Short pieces of music with guitar, short lyrics like a poem and songs with Kang Asol‘s guitar arrangement
Dance on Mars, course book about dancing with David Bowie.

How would you describe your new album, Exile?

프로듀서 홍갑과 일렉트릭 뮤즈와 함께 만든 “망명亡明”은 밝음 속에서 보여지는 것이 아니라 어둠속 에서 스스로 드러나는 것을 크로키하 듯 담아본 앨범입니다. 1년 여에 걸쳐 작업을 했고 모두 6곡이 수록되어 있습니다. 침잠하듯 차분하게 자신의 이야기에 귀 기울이고 싶은 분들께 추천하고 싶습니다.

I made my new album 망명 (Exile) with producer as well as guitarist Honggab and label Electric Muse, and tried to capture the things we can see in the darkness not in the bright. This album contains six tracks and took around 1 years time to produce. I recommend to people who want to withdraw into yourself and listen your own stories.

I’ve been listening to 망명 (Exile) several times over and find it most enjoyable. The songs are all very lovely while showcasing different styles. Although the album is already available online, the CD won’t be released until February 16th.

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