Mini-Interview with Hyun Lee Yang

I was quite fond of 99anger while the band was still around and even had a brief interview with the band’s vocalist in 2009. A couple of years ago 99anger disbanded, and I was lucky enough to be in Seoul for the goodbye show. It was awesome. A bit sad, but mostly awesome. Since then 99anger’s vocalist has been going solo. Finally, on May 13th his first digital single was released and I made sure to ask for a new interview.


Can you please start by introducing yourself to those who are not yet familiar with you and your legacy?

Hello , I’m Hyun Lee Yang. My real name is Hyun Lee. Yang is my mother’s last name. I was in a band called 99ANGER for 15 years. 99ANGER released 2 full-length albums , 1 ep and a few compilations.

안녕하세요 현리양이라고 합니다. 제 본명은 이 현 이고요 양 은 제 어머니 성입니다. 저는 99ANGER 라는 밴드에서 15년간 몸담으면서 두장의 풀렝쓰 앨범과 한장의 ep 그리고 몇장에 컴필레이션앨범에 참여하였습니다.

What would you say are the biggest differences between 99anger and Hyun Lee Yang?

There are many differeces between a band and a solo project. The biggest differeces is that simply you are ‘alone’. You are not with 3 or 4 guys working, dicussing or arguing together anymore. I’m not used to that atmosphere of being alone. There must be many advantages and disadvantages of being alone. But for now, I’m really enjoying it because I think I’ve had enough as a band leader. And also, when I write music I have to work on other parts as well such as basslines, drums, etc…

밴드와 솔로사이에 차이는 너무 많습니다. 제일 크게 느꼈던 점은 말그대로 혼자 라는 느낌입니다. 지난 15년밴드활동동안 혼자라고 느껴본적이 없어서 적응이 안된부분도 있지만 현재는 혼자있는거 자체를 즐기고 있습니다. 아마 밴드생활을 충분히 했다라고 생각을 하기 때문일수도 있습니다. 그리고 곡을 쓸때 다른 파트 즉 베이스라인과 드럼도 신경을써야한다는 부분이 있죠.

Why did you pick Is Help On The Way to be your first solo song?

I wrote this song right after the band broke up. I got so emotional so I had to get me out from the darkside. I had to channel those negative feelings to a positive direction. I thought that this song would be the gun sound at the startline of Hyun Lee Yang.

이 곡은 밴드를 해체하고 나서 바로 만들었습니다. 여러가지 감정들이 섞여있었는데 저에게는 그런 부정적인 감정들을 빨리 긍정적인 방향성으로 바꾸는것도 숙제였습니다. 그런 분위기에 곡을 완성했기에 이곡은 현리양의 스타트를 알리는 총소리라고도 할수 있습니다.

What comes next for Hyun Lee Yang?

I have very old old songs that are never released before. With those songs and newly written songs together will be Hyun Lee Yang’s first album. This fall hopefully.

예전에 썼던 곡인데 녹음되지도 않았고 발표도 안됐던 곡들이 있습니다. 그곡들과 새로쓴 곡들을 모아서 앨범작업하고 있습니다. 이번 가을쯤이 될것 같아요.


So, Hyun Lee Yang’s first single is called Is Help On The Way? and features only the song with the same name. Although the single was not released until this week, the music video, directed by Jeung Jae of Junk Class, was published already in December 2013:

If you don’t immediately fall for the song, I would urge you to listen again. It’s the kind of song that grows on you with every listen, and before you know it you will find yourself singing it even when no music is playing.

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