Noizegarden, or nOiZeGaRdEn if you prefer, was one of the most influential rock bands in Korea during the 90s. The band formed in October 1992 and remained active until 1999 whereupon the members went in different directions. During these years Noizegarden released 2 full-length albums and participated on a number of now classic compilations.
It has now been 20 years since the release of Noizegarden’s legendary ’94 demo. On April 29th the 3CD set nOiZeGaRdEn 1992-1999 Deluxe Remastered Edition will see the light of day including remastered versions of the self-titled debut album and second album …But Not Least. There is also a bonus CD with all the songs from the demo, a few bootleg live recordings, Metallica cover “Ride The Lightning” from 1997 tribute album Am I Metallica, Yun Soo Il cover “제2의 고향” from Indie Power 1999, and “혹성탈출” off the 1999 compilation Open The Door.
photo courtesy of Yoon Byeongjoo
The remastering work has been done by Sangwook Sunny Kim of The Mastering Lab, who has been Grammy nominated in the US twice for his work in recent years. In addition to a new crisp sound there will also be a 28 page booklet full of commentary, history and lyrics, written by Noizegarden leader Yoon Byeongjoo and author and Sister’s Barbershop leader Lee Seok Won. All comes packaged in a trifold mini paper sleeve designed by Khiov.
Since the days of Noizegarden Yoon Byeongjoo has instead been building his name through blues rock band Lowdown 30, but on May 24th he will again step into the outfit of his old band for the nOiZeGaRdEn 1992-1999 Deluxe Remastered Edition release show taking place at V-Hall in Hongdae. Noizegarden vocalist Park Gunn will return to Korea from Canada for the event whereas the bass and drum positions will be covered by session musicians. To ensure that Noizegarden will sound their best engineer Cho Sang Hyun, who has been said to know all Noizegarden guitar solos by heart, will be in charge of the sound. Sister’s Barbershop and Unchained will be appearing as guests during the show.
Yes I know Gunn from living in Korea for 5 years and enjoyed the short-lived project ‘Yoho’ he was involved with and also my close, and dearly missed, friend Won who released ‘Glow’ with Gunn on vocals.
Gunn is the man and NoizeGarden rock! I got to know Gunn after spending nearly every day with him in his Seoul studio. He helped me and my band, the NeoConArtists, grow into musicians and produced our first EP. What a legend. I can’t wait to hear his tunes.
I had no idea he’d also done some producing! Tried to find your band on YouTube, but no luck. Where would one go to hear any of said EP?