Jambinai with their unique mix of traditional Korean music and post-rock released their first full-length album 차연 (Différance) in the beginning of February. At the time only an audio sample for “소멸의 시간 (Time of Extinction)” was made available for promotion, but an hour ago the official video showed up on YouTube.
Those familiar with Jambinai’s sound from before their official debut may be surprised by the hard sounds, but we’ll be hearing them go even harder soon. Hardcore band Vassline begun recording for their fourth full-length album Black Silence a week ago and a source close to the bands has revealed that Jambinai will be featured on the album. No date has been revealed yet as Vassline only said “soon” when announcing the new album a month ago.
Earlier this month Jambinai’s EBS Space performance from March aired with performances of “Connection” and “Grace Kelly” as well as the aforementioned “소멸의 시간 (Time of Extinction)”:
Last week Jambinai held a show at Café Veloso were among some of the songs above they also performed “구원의 손길” and debut EP song “나부락”: