Anna’s Obsessions: shiny day

When asking for suggestions on new special features for Indieful ROK, I learned that there are quite a few of you that would like some more personal input from me – such as what I’m currently obsessing over and why. Problem is I rarely know how to describe music well and often the nuances of English words eludes me, so even when I do try it likely doesn’t turn out the way I meant it to. Anyhow, having spent a large portion of the day listening to the same song over and over again I figured I’d give it a go anyway.


I’ve loved Donawhale since I first heard them, so when I could finally give up listening to Julia Hart today (the trick was not to press play until after changing the playlist) Donawhale’s second album, Dive Into Blue, which I had brought home from Korea soon ended up on repeated play instead. The first couple of times it was just background music while I did a bit of reading, but I could still hear that there was this one song trumping even the gorgeous first album track 아카시아. Following a brief investigation I found that the title of my new favorite Donawhale song is shiny day.

The beginning of shiny day is quite modest with the focus on a piano and Jinyoung’s sweet voice – the distinct ring of her delicate vocals is one of the reasons why I enjoy listening to Donawhale so much, and in a simple setting like this it’s perfect. In the background there’s also a bit of a trembling electric guitar creating an air of anticipation. As the song proceeds midway, the tremolo intensifies a bit, but soon it’s as modest as ever. Then. At 3:35 there’s something like a post-rock explosion with plenty of drums and a full-on tremolo – it blows me away every time. Intense and overwhelming, it lasts for roughly 70 seconds before subsiding. But 70 seconds is nowhere near enough for music as captivating as this. And so I end up listening again, and again to get the full experience just one more time…

3 Comments Anna’s Obsessions: shiny day

  1. janet

    I think you describe things really well. What’s more, your taste in music is just awesome. ^^
    You made me REALLY want to buy this album. X]

  2. helikoppter

    Thank you so much, both of you!

    @janet, this album is going on my list over the best releases of 2009 so I would definitely recommend it. Usually I just stubbornly prefer the album that got me into an artist, but this is one of few exceptions.


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