As we’ve informed you earlier, former Bluedawn member slowzz’s solo project The Invisible Fish had its second EP release a few days ago with Loss/Sleepless. If you’re outside of Korea and wish to get any of the goodness below, your best option is (as so often) mrkwang. Or – you could participate in another random free CD give-away here at Indieful ROK! It’s that time of the year, you know, and after buying presents for my family I still have a little money left…
Comment, e-mail or get in touch some other way to tell us which artist(s) you’d like to see interviewed here no later than January 5 and one of you will be randomly selected to receive the nice box displayed above. Though I can’t promise that I will actually be able to interview everybody suggested, I will most definitely see what I can do about it.
Visit the 2nd section of to download 저물다 from Loss and 진 from Sleepless.
I would love to see an interview with Frenzy. Orienkorean uploaded a video:
how about “Jang ki-ha and the Faces”
their/his sound is one that we haven’t heard on the indie scene in decades, i think…
Hello, new follower of your blog here! Thanks for providing a source for indie Korean music! It’s a refreshing change from most of what’s out there and publicized!
Anyway, I’d love to see an interview with 시인과 촌장! They have a lovely folksy, nostalgic sound!
Hey, I realize I’ve already left a comment, but I can’t believe I forgot to mention my extreme love for 소규모 아카시아 밴드– they’re great! They have a really unique, kind of intimate sound, I think.
This isn’t meant to be an extra entry to the giveaway or anything. I’d just really love to see an interview with 소규모 아카시아 밴드!
Since I won the last contest, I should be disqualified from this one. =)
But I’d love to read an interview with Sorri (‘cos i love her voice, but she’s very elusive for information on the web)
You don’t have to ask this in the interview, but I’d like to know if the Melodica is an instrument everyone learns in school in Korea?
p.s. Thank you for being so relentless with the K-indie information, and best wishes for a Happy 2009!
Thank you all for your suggestions and the nice comments! A winner has now been drawn.
@Jonathan.. i love the song by frenzy… thanks for sharing.. m/
whoa!!!, you had a passion in blogging, thumbs up for your work of love.. Hehe very inspiring ideas,
anyway I’m william
mind if I put a link back to you?
(clickable) ——> Tuxedo Vest