Upcoming gigs: Hee Young; Rock Tigers; Crying Nut; Galaxy Express

This day has offered a remarkably high amount of notifications about concerts from Korean bands outside of Korea:

– Singer/songwriter Hee Young announced via Facebook that she’ll be playing Bar4 in Brooklyn, New York, on May 5.

DFSB Kollective sent out a press release revealing that legendary punk band Crying Nut will partake in this year’s Music Matters Live that takes place late May in Singapore. In honor of the event a special Crying Nut 2K11 Music Matters Live iMix has been created.

LoveRock Company announced that Galaxy Express will be one of participating in the second edition of Seoul-Tokyo Sound Bridge alongside blues rock band Lowdown 30 and two Japanese bands. The Tokyo date is June 12 and will take place at Shibuya Milkyway.

락타이거즈 (Rocktigers) - Electric Travel
And though news of a world tour from The Rock Tigers are old, it wasn’t till I read this Daejeon Access article today that I realized the details are out: The Rock Tigers Take On the World.

Taking off with a couple of Korea dates, the band will bring its kimchibilly to Japan for gigs every day between May 2-8. Late May they’ll be joining long running Japanese garage rock band Guitar Wolf for a few dates on their North America tour. Three US dates have been announced so far:
– May 28: San Francisco, CA @ Bottom of the Hill
– May 29: Los Angeles, CA @ Troubadour
– May 30: Las Vegas, NV @ Hard Rock Café

The special English EP mentioned in the article is called Electric Travel and has a Korean release date set to May 6.

2 Comments Upcoming gigs: Hee Young; Rock Tigers; Crying Nut; Galaxy Express

  1. refresh_daemon

    Rock Tigers kind of have a rockabilly meets punk kinda sound. Might be interesting to go check them out since they’re coming to my doorstep at the Troubadour. Having Guitar Wolf on board doesn’t hurt.

  2. helikoppter

    Never had the pleasure of seeing Rock Tigers myself, but heard Guitar Wolf did remarkably well when playing in Stockholm a few years ago. I say go! If nothing else to be able to type up another splendid review.


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