It’s been quiet from MOT for a while, but at least founding member Aeon still has a few projects ongoing. Featuring music not that far from MOT paired with intriguing visuals, yesterday he posted a trailer for author Kim Young-ha‘s new novel 무슨 일이 일어났는지는 아무도, that’ll be available from next week: (Nobody knows) What happened.
Should you not already be familiar with Kim Young-ha, he’s considered one of the new generation of Korean writers and is not a stranger to Hongdae, where rumor has it he on occasion can be found typing away in some café. A month ago I attended a Korean literary forum in Stockholm where Kim Young-ha himself read an excerpt from Whatever Happened to the Guy Stuck in the Elevator? (엘리베이터에 낀 그 남자는 어떻게 되었나?) that after also being read in Swedish soon convinced me I have to seek out some of his works. To get an idea of what it’s like I’d recommend a visit to KTLIT, that earlier this month posted a review of a novel that’ll become available in English translation in a couple of months: Kim Young-Ha’s “Your Republic is Calling You” a Review.
Oh, and speaking of MOT, I realized just now that it’s been almost exactly three years since I had an interview with them for London Korean Links: A meeting with MOT. Makes me remember just how much I love their music – now I know what I’ll be listening to for the rest of the day.
Indieful ROK,
Thanks for the link.
I’d just note that to get directly to the review of “Your Republic is Calling You” (which is freaking excellent), you can click to the review here.
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