Birdy Bitz Alien’s Swedish Fan?

I was just skimming through the official album info for Birdy Bitz Alien‘s Virtual Reality and I found a couple of sentences that really caught my interest:

첫 싱글 [Tomorrow]로 영국, 스웨덴등에서 이미 팬을 확보한 버디비츠에일리언!
외국의 블로그들의 입소문을 타고 드디어 정규앨범[Virtual Reality] 발매!

Now, I don’t understand much Korean but I believe the first sentence says that Birdy Bitz Alien secured a British/Swedish fan already with his first single. I have strong reasons to believe that that fan is me, meaning that the foreign blog mentioned in the second sentence probably is this one. (Not that I’m even remotely British – I’ve only ever visited twice – but my connection with London Korean Links tends to confuse people.) Anyhow, in my own little world this is pretty cool and I was hoping that somebody that does understand Korean could provide a proper translation in the comments :o)

2 Comments Birdy Bitz Alien’s Swedish Fan?

  1. innnnnah

    hey! you’re right it says that birdy bitz alien has already secured fans from england and sweden through the network of bloggers. i’m actually korean fan of this musican and was happy hear his music has fans from overseas as well and was to witness for myself this fascinating sentence was for real. yeah! so here you are. haha


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