Below you’ll find a list of the top 10 artists that characterized last week’s listening among Indieful ROK’s group members. Looking at this chart and every one before it,… Continue reading
Post Category → Indieful ROK Music Chart
Indieful ROK Music Chart w.3
New week, new Indieful ROK chart! These are the top 10 artists from the “unique for this group chart” of Indieful ROK’s very own group. with links (when possible)… Continue reading
Indieful ROK Music Chart w.2
A week goes by so fast! It’s time for the second edition of Indieful ROK’s very own weekly chart. Since last week, the Indieful ROK group, whose listening habits… Continue reading
Indieful ROK Music Chart w.1
As promised, here is the first of Indieful ROK’s weekly charts! As opposed to the overall chart, which shows what Indieful ROK group members have listened to over a week,… Continue reading