Indieful ROK 2.0

Casker does Tribute90; Sanullim Reborn with Art of Parties

There’s a couple of cover projects ongoing right now that I find particularly interesting, both offering new digital singles within the last couple of days:

The Reborn 산울림 project, honoring the 35th anniversary since the release of the first Sanullim album, saw Reborn 산울림 Track.2 released on August 31. This time Kim Bada‘s Art of Parties took on the popular 아마 늦은 여름이었을 거야.

As much as I love me some Korean 70s rock, there are few things closer to my heart than 90s K-pop so I’m much too happy about the Tribute90 project. Following a weekly release schedule, Part.2 released last Thursday and Part.1 the Thursday before that, this Thursday, September 1, brings us ‘Tribute90’ Part.3 – 천생연분 where Casker tackles Solid classic 천생연분. Check out Casker’s Music Bar Tribute 90 video here.

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