Indieful ROK 2.0

Aeon of MOT makes video for Kim Young-ha

It’s been quiet from MOT for a while, but at least founding member Aeon still has a few projects ongoing. Featuring music not that far from MOT paired with intriguing visuals, yesterday he posted a trailer for author Kim Young-ha‘s new novel 무슨 일이 일어났는지는 아무도, that’ll be available from next week: (Nobody knows) What happened.

Should you not already be familiar with Kim Young-ha, he’s considered one of the new generation of Korean writers and is not a stranger to Hongdae, where rumor has it he on occasion can be found typing away in some café. A month ago I attended a Korean literary forum in Stockholm where Kim Young-ha himself read an excerpt from Whatever Happened to the Guy Stuck in the Elevator? (엘리베이터에 낀 그 남자는 어떻게 되었나?) that after also being read in Swedish soon convinced me I have to seek out some of his works. To get an idea of what it’s like I’d recommend a visit to KTLIT, that earlier this month posted a review of a novel that’ll become available in English translation in a couple of months: Kim Young-Ha’s “Your Republic is Calling You” a Review.

Oh, and speaking of MOT, I realized just now that it’s been almost exactly three years since I had an interview with them for London Korean Links: A meeting with MOT. Makes me remember just how much I love their music – now I know what I’ll be listening to for the rest of the day.

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