Two months ago, K-pop Killers, a documentary exploring South Korea’s underground metal scene, screened in Seoul at the G-15 Sonnendeck night club. Directed by Ian Henderson, he and cameraman Michael… Continue reading
Author Archives → Kevin
Interview with ARTLOVER
London based rapper ARTLOVER released her debut single a month ago with the music video out last week. IROK contributor Kevin liked what he heard and prepared this interview.
Continue readingKMA2016: Kevin’s Predictions
Album of the Year Personal Pick: I’m so glad to have discovered Kim Sawol. Her music is absolutely beautiful. I can’t express enough how much I love this album, but… Continue reading
Interview with 49 Morphines
Last year back in June, I went to the Clandestino Festival in Gothenburg, Sweden. What initially caught my attention was the fact that Black String and Jambinai would be performing… Continue reading